Aug 18, 2015
Faites vos achats sur Google Play sur le Web, et profitez-en instantanément sur votre téléphone ou votre tablette Android, sans synchronisation. Téléchargez la dernière version de Apps Explorer 1.4.2 pour profiter immédiatement de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour !
Ver. 1.4.1
Change app icon and app name.
Ver. 1.4
High resolution image of screenshot is available (option).
You can search App name or author by Google.
Ver. 1.3
Fixing some bugs.
Displaying method of Icons and Screenshots were changed.
Ver. 1.2
More speedy and less memory tunings were applied. (Icon caches, Image reducing and Data downloading).
Pager indicator is available for Screen Shots pager.