Oct 25, 2018
Déchiffrez des indices, résolvez des énigmes et échappez-vous d'une cabane verrouillée et de votre passé. Téléchargez et installez les anciennes versions de Cabin Escape: Alice's Story qui conviennent à votre modèle d'appareil et profitez de vos fonctionnalités préférées !
* Ratings are incredibly helpful for independent developers, we've now made it easier for you to leave them, whilst also making it easier for you to get in contact with us if you have an issue. Don't worry though, you can tell the popup to go away if you don't want to.
* We can now display simple popups to highlight new games we've released, and other special offers, don't worry though - they will be used very sparingly.
* Removed native popups and replaced them with more fitting ones.