Mar 3, 2023
Convertissez n'importe quel texte dans n'importe quelle langue en un clip audio Téléchargez la dernière version de تحويل الكتابة النص إلى صوت 1.6 pour profiter immédiatement de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour !
- You can read the emoji (😁😂😃😍😉❤).
- You can read the accented words.
- text in any language to audio with the ability to save the audio as an audio clip,
- Just download the language's audio packages only once to work without the Internet,
- There is a voice recorder,
- spoken to text that requires the Internet
- With the ability to save as a text document and modify it,
- Translate writing or speech, select the language of input and the language of output, speak in a language Blue