Sep 15, 2018
Commande à table pour tous les pubs, restaurants, hôtels, bars, cafés et clubs Téléchargez et installez les anciennes versions de Dines - Table Ordering qui conviennent à votre modèle d'appareil et profitez de vos fonctionnalités préférées !
So, here we go, with
Version one-to-the-four!
Filled with animations to
Help new users learn more!
So when you refer a friend and
As they sign up they say "Wait.
How does the app work!?"
Just say:
Watch the video mate!
“Pictures say a thousand words”
Is something often said, so
Now you can scan your cards
With your camera instead!
Want 33 free dines? You'll
Need a fine-toothed comb!
Find the 5 letter code in here
(Hint: look for a palindrome ;P)
*Promo Code expires 30/09/18*