Convertir le bifocal/multifocal Rx en unifocal (lecture, ordinateur, distance)
Need to convert a multifocal/bifocal prescription to single vision but don't know how? Or are you an optician looking to save time doing this task routinely? If yes, then EyeCalc is here to help.
EyeCalc is a handy tool to convert a bifocal/multifocal prescription to a single vision prescription. You only have to input your Rx values, select the single vision lens type (reading, computer, distance) to convert to and EyeCalc will do the rest.
Reliable lens conversion just a few taps away!
Note: This tool only calculates the spherical component of the Rx. It does not change the cylinder, axis, or prism components - values from the original Rx would be included for these components along with the calculated sphere power.