Créez votre propre clavier avec des phrases islamiques les plus utilisés facilement et professionnellement
Have you ever dreamed of having your own keyboards phrases saved and ready to be used? Now you can with this application, it will give you 5 different keyboards that you can customize to your own liking; you can change every key label and value and will be saved forever. Spend some time to write your most used Arabic phrases and have them ready to be used with only one click in any place , you can use in Facebook, Skype , Messenger or virtually in any app that requires keyboard.
also for Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) and up there is an extra step to give the program a permission manually, you need to navigate to settings --> apps and click the settings icon on the top right then choose option, then choose Islamic Keyboard and allow it to draw over other apps. for any other android version , you don't need to do that.
the only permission required is to draw over other apps , No WIFI or internet needed like other keyboards , so no security fears.
احسن لوحة مفاتيح في كتابة العبارات العربية بسرعة وبدقة. هذه لوحة المفاتيح العربية ستعمل مع أي برنامج مثل الفيسبوك، سكايب، وهلم جرا. كل العبارات المشهورة و الايات القرأنية. تثبيت لوحة المفاتيح بسهولة .
خمس لوحات مفاتيح تستطيع ان تغير خاصية كل مفتاح من عنوان و قيمة و ان تستخدم القيم الجديدة مع اي برنامج مثل الفيسبوك او سكايب.
Once installed , you need to add the keyboard under settings/input languages , just activate it and it will be shown under the available keyboards.
Remember , this application only asks for drawing over other apps permission, no WIFI or Internet access , no need to worry about your information unlike other keyboards out there.