Jan 10, 2019
Étape par étape, pour la résolution des codes DTC Téléchargez la dernière version de MSHARP 3.1.7 pour profiter immédiatement de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour !
1. VIN number reduced from 17 digit to 8 digit. Please note that from now on wards please enter the last 8 digit of VIN number.(eg. MA1PCAHBCA6M10001 => A6M10001)
2. Engineers can submit and save the troubleshooting from any step.
3. Engineer can see their ratings in the profile section.
4. Trainers can use dummy VIN for demo. Technicians can use dummy VIN for practice. But note that dummy VIN troubleshooting report will not be considered and saved to the database.