Mar 29, 2020
Écoutez n'importe quelle chanson. Recherchez de la musique à diffuser. Téléchargez et installez les anciennes versions de Shark - Music qui conviennent à votre modèle d'appareil et profitez de vos fonctionnalités préférées !
2020.3.29: New icon, fix facebook playlists, fix add song to playlist, fix add duplicate track to playlist.
2020.3.14: Fix the song doesn't load.
2019.12.23: Fix loading loop and now play most of the songs, and fix launcher icon.
2019.10.23: Added recent search history and click on tabs work as back button.
2019.10.13: Fix some devices won't play songs, request permission to fix background playing.
2019.8.5: Disabled annoying ad, Fix bug when you finish a song the next one didn't start.