Un outil pour entendre les relations entre accords.
SmartDrone is an android application that can generate tones based on user input. This app can analyze the notes the user is playing on their instrument and find the corresponding key.
This app was developed by Travis MacDonald as part of a research assistant position for Convergence Lab.
Convergence Lab is a funded research program established by James Hughes, assistant professor at St. Francis Xavier.
Artwork created by Matea Drljepan.
All revenue goes towards funding research. If you prefer, you can download it here for free: https://people.stfx.ca/jhughes/SmartDroneApp/ or clone the project on github.
TarsosDSP for real time audio processing. (https://github.com/JorenSix/TarsosDSP)
Midi Driver for midi synthesis. (https://github.com/billthefarmer/mididriver)