- android.permission.INTERNET
- android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
- android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
- com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE
- co.cinemaclub.permission.C2D_MESSAGE
Dec 23, 2016
La nouvelle application pour les amateurs de cinéma. Obtenez les séances à proximité et des billets à la volée Téléchargez la dernière version de YPlan Cinema Club - Showtimes 2.5.0 pour profiter immédiatement de nouvelles fonctionnalités et mises à jour !
Not all those who wander are lost, the old saying goes. .. Yet, for those that actually are (like Paddy), we wanted to do better.
You can now see movie screenings on a map. Find cinemas around you, check showtimes, get directions, it's all there!
Also, for a few cinemas, we're running an experiment to help get those last minute seats before they're gone. See if you run into it and give us feedback!
Finally, from all of us here, have a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2017!